1. Just say no
Say no to caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol in the late afternoon and evening. A cup of coffee or even tea in the afternoon can delay your dropping off even hours later. And more than a glass or two of wine or beer will make your sleep more restless at night. Bear in mind that caffeine is also found in chocolate, diet pills, medicines and many soft drinks.2. Get some exercise
Exercising during the day may actually help you to sleep at night. But stop at least three hours before you go to bed, unless it is gentle stretching. You need to give your body a chance to unwind after an energetic workout.3. Stay cool and quiet
Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature and block out light and noise, which can wake you from a light sleep. Most people sleep better in a cool room. If outside noise is a problem, consider getting relaxation music CDs. These can mask noise with soothing sounds, such as that of a waterfall, rain or ocean waves. Some women continue to listen to the garbha sanskar music they enjoyed during pregnancy. So choose whatever you find enjoyable and relaxing.4. Grab a snooze
A snooze during the day can improve alertness, sharpen memory and generally reduce the symptoms of fatigue. You could time it for when your baby takes his naps.Keep in mind, however, that a snooze is between 15 minutes and 20 minutes. Sleeping for longer during the day could disrupt a good night's sleep.